Super hexagon game
Super hexagon game

super hexagon game

And it's still addictive, your mind thinks "Argh! I just lost!" Then 1 second later, you're back to playing, trying to beat your score by at least half a second. Just tap the screen and you're back to playing. No ads, no fuss, trying to press multiple buttons with long loading times in between. The most minuscule detail turns out to be the most redeeming factor: when you lose, you could just tap (quite vigorously, seeing as you just lost) and boom, you're right back to playing. I sincerely believe this game is one of the only games worth getting. The Only Game Worth Buying on the App Store This game is great if the sizing was revamped and made easier to determine where your character even is. I am normally not one to hate despite my derogatory "nickname", but if Apple wants to bring judgment down on me and deny me the right to change my name, so be it.

super hexagon game

This, however, can't be accomplished because too much time is put into trying to figure out WHERE and WHEN your character is and will be. I can tap when I have to and be where I need to be in the split second I have.

super hexagon game

Trying to see where my character is distracts me from moving it with the one second I have. I can play this game for 10 SECONDS then die, because the character is too small. The size of the character may seem minuscule and not worth mentioning because if you nerf the size, it will make the game harder by putting more stress on spacial repositioning, but when the character is the size of a PIXEL maybe even SMALLER, it can't be done. Normally this is not true, but in this case, it definitely is.

Super hexagon game